Monday, July 20, 2009


i should be sleeping
dis is wat happens when u have acces to unlimited intrnt

esk nk gi wat akaun cimb
hrp2 cek dah dpt
ckup la nyusahkn parents beli laptop bru

am i a gud friend
even i know that im not
i hurt people dat would never hurt me
i am more hypocrite than malaysian politicians
i even do thing never to be forgiven for

but when you reach a certain level of hypocracy
add a little lonelyness
a pinch of carefree
and a spoonful of kindness in the heart
and you get
a lier who lies to himself so that everyone else feels good

the plus; people like you, many friends,etc
the minus; you dont like yourself, you wont even know who you are, etc
but above all,
ur happy
in a wierd way

a friend of mine is suffering deeply in his heart
nothing that i do will affect him(my fault)
what others help him(if they did) also gave no effect
some others(most of them) caused his condition

if this keeps up
i may not clear my biggest thorn-in-the-heart
for he may be lost
and with that i will be extremely sad
it means nothing to him what i say
but it is my only way-to write

if you know this blog exist
if you still recognize me

if you lost something dear to you
it means
you will recieve something better

1 comment:

  1. amin...
    kenal aku lg x???
    ni blog
    sng2 tngk r...
