Wednesday, June 17, 2009


i went to da pasar malam dis evening...met 2 people i know(greetings 2 my favourite teacher naguib)...but not da point...

as i arived, i say 2 people getting into a between the was a woman...this would seem normal if the woman is not 3 times their age and their both not holding vegetables like of da guy was indian(asumed)...

there they were, trying to pick a fight wif one another, dgn 'wanita' 2 sbgai front row spectator...mcm gadoh psl spot gerai...aku tgk, kalaula bkn sbb sorg laki 2 kulitnyer polaroid, mcm diorng under satu cwangan 'nenek n sons'...mase diorng tngkr2 2, aku xtau la nenek 2 bekas hakim ke, or princes diana yg sbnrnyer maseh hidup dan telah menyorok kt malaysia...die sokong yg india 2...mungkin sbb diskriminasi dri kanankiri spot 2 gerai org mlayu n org laen dah jadik penonton setia program anak wayang tersebut, or sbb tindakan mereka telah melanggar undang2 dibwh seksyen ***, akta 19**, dibwh kanun kehidupan pasar malam; first come first serve......bile aku pusing balek, tgk, india 2 dah xde n laki n nenek die jual la kt kedai sayur 'nenek n not-indian-son' when perlembagaan kate ketuann org melayu, they mean real business...

mase on da way balek ke umah dri kl ari2, subjek psl ckgu cine mom, seorng ckgu, give her say...die kate kt skolah die ade due ckgu cine...sorang sngat soft spoken, tpi juge sngt rajin(xtau nape, aku bygkn sekor beruang panda yg dah kene cukur bulunyer, pakai kemeje n angkt buku yg dibuat dri buluh).....lgi sorang sorang yg 'x gune'...serius mak aku ckp 'x'gune'...setiap ayat die tntang cikgu 2 msti ade frasa 2 atleast once....aku bygkn sorang uncle tauke kedai asam, duduk menyandar kt krusi malas, mate nyer dot je sbb asyik stare jarum saat dri pkul 7pagi smpai pkul 5ptg...40 orang plajar tenung je die , bkn utk memanti ilmu2nyer, bkn sbb die pakai singlet je, tpi sbb nk pastikan yg cikgu diorang masih hidup....

then my mother continue about the indian teacher...there was one teacher who everyone hates, even the pekebun...kan kite tgk anime or manga, kekadang ade watak yg mcm ade prkataan yg digunekn dlm setiap ayat...sume cite 2 di ilhamkn dri ckgu ni...
"A very gud morning i bid 2 you stupid boy"
"Turn to page 23 stupid"
"May I have a stupid fried rice...stupid"
"I think u look very great...but stupid"
"What is the stupid meaning of the stupid letter stupid in your stupid dictionaries...stupid"
I would imagine that one day she realized she was rude n stopped, only to explode into a million pieces because of her body's reaction to lack of stupidity...
After a few stupid long years in smk snawang, this indian teacher was transferd to a chinese school...strangely, everyone thinks dat kalau skolah cine, plajarnye suke sume sume org terkejut bile sume student skul 2 x ske die...

i dont see why diorng pelik n trkejut...i mean, kalau bagi org klantan gegule, mesti die suke..or org asia x ske caviar(telur salmon), tpi org western suke...lnsung xde kaitan, tpi ilmu.....kalau org melayu x suke org mencarut, adekah bermaksud orang india or chine suke? Nmpk sngt racist nye....

moral of da story;
kalau nk berniage pasar malam kene dtg awal2...
princess diana mungkin ade kt malaysia...
kalau ade ckgu yg x brgerak dri pagi sampai ptg, jgn risau, die maseh hidup...
sesame race we shouldnt be a sissy n instead drink some tea sbb teh sedap

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