But what people do not realize is that almost all adjectives are not actually a word for a specific trait. All adjectives are 'comparing' words. What I'm trying to say is that adjectives are directly determined by the most common trait in humans.
For an example, in Malaysia, the height of 170cm is 'normal' for male. Any higher of a number will be called tall and the opposite will be called short. But in the USA, 180cm is the 'normal' so most Malaysians will be referred to as short.
What I'm trying to point out here is that we only judge people with what we usually see. We all have the gift by god of being a 'one of a kind'. So why are we clumping a lot of people together in adjective categories? Is it so fun to be the same like everybody else, do what other people do and ignoring your own preference. Your only comfort is the little things that you do like how you eat, personal secret habits, the ignored preference, or maybe your boobs or penile size.
If you think about it, you should be ashamed to be this so called 'normal'. Everyone has a different specific goal in earth life, but why must we take the same route. Taking a different route doesn't mean you will be alone. There is this thing called "The Universal Rule of Universe", and one of them is 'nobody is alone'.
Lumping people together (stereotyping) just because they are the same race of from the same country is wrong. Just because some(most) Malays are lazy, some Chinese are dirty, some Indians are rude, and some Muslim are terrorists, DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL OF THEM ARE.
As a summary, i would like to quote;

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