Do not jump off a stair in public (they dont care, but your sandals do)
Wake at least one hour before the bus arrives (or earlier)
Always have breakfast (no matter the cost)(WAIT, BUY CHEAP ONES!!!)
You dont like Hakim (the restaurant)(and the work)
Figure out why you use the sambal of Sup Utara as gravy (WHY THE HECK???!!!!)
Dont splash water on someone (NO MATTER HOW CRAZY YOU ARE!!!!)
Care what Azizi and azam thinks about cleanliness (azizi about food, azam about housekeeping)(THEY ARE NEVER WRONG!!!)
Buy a facewasher
Drink soy to grow hair
Grow hair at all cost
KEEP IT at all cost
Get to INDIA at all cost
Be close to that person at all costs
All costs should be moderated
Say thank you to everyone that helps you
U80 bus comes around every 45 minutes
Be 30 minutes early
If you sleep pantsless, makee sure u wea a blanket (cold morning)
Go jogging (u need it)(and the 'view' is nice (>.<))
Do push-ups every morning (to cover up your surprisinfly visible ribs)
Buy Ahmad Hafiz a kit kat
Buy Safwan and Fidot chocolates
Buy presents for Rono and Paul
Deliver the presents to Rono and Paul
Ask for their addresses first
When you realize that you hate your parents because they are the same as you, completely forget the though...if not, your better of dead.
Anyway, I have this habit of talking to myself. Who else knows you better? Who else is always there for you? I have this habit of saying "Note to self, ....." a lot. I usually forget then in the next 5 minutes, but the above are some that are important enough for me to remember. Talking to myself makes me who I am now. I have this inferiority complex where unless someone is against it, I think that anything I do is hated by everyone. Lately(the past 3 years), this problem was covered by my fortunate scoring of the whole year of form 5 and SPM. Since, people have been thinking me as a genius or something(NOT TRUE!!!),and thus, the inferiority complex is repelled. But now, with a lot smaller community (OMG mara!!! what happened?), and exam scores cant help me (or can it?...), Its coming back. Thus develops a new personality of Amin, or was it just the real one?
Anyway, these good people somehow made me more confident. I usually establish a crush every time I enter a new community as a motivation and strive for that person, but my whole class made me feel very happy, and I appreciate that.
Then crush is still my motivation (its always the good ones), and I find myself studying when I see my crush studying.
The feeling is still there, and as we are together and I understand more, the feeling grows.

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