It actually happened 2 days ago. I had too hard of a time fighting my desire to do absolutely nothing (ruined by the promise of future fame and wealth).
Like any of your dreams, I cant actually remember how it started. I can only remember the most interesting (a.k.a weird) part of it. As mentioned in the previous sentence, I don't even know how it started, so I,m just going to tell you key points.
First scene: CANT REMEMBER!!! Dreams are the world that science practically base its aims on, but it comes with a forget-90-percent-of-it feature (totally unnecessary if you ask me. But then if it wasn't there, we would sleep all day now wont we? (not that we're not already).
Back to the point, the first part consist of somehow (?) me being somewhere (?!) with someone(?!!!!!!!!!!)(oh wait, I did remember, but don't wanna tell). Now that I'm writing this at this time, it seem like we were alone with a lake-like background (Shah Alam?). The only part that I remember is when that someone(still not telling) actually told me to stay away from him (in an annoyed kind of way), with me keep bugging everyday (ogling, staring, you know what I mean)(or do you now...). Then again, maybe it was just plain anger. Then againX2, I think we were on a 'kayak'. OH MY GOD!!! IT WAS THE KAYAKING, that would have happened today (damn you rain)(P/s:I still like rain). I just realized as writing this that maybe I was seeing the future!!!! (0.0). Just maybe.... I should post my dreams earlier....
Anyway, the next scene, somehow, I was going into a fight with someone (I really don't know this one), a guy, but then after what i don't even recall, we both turned into girls, the scene was suddenly my seremban house living room, and I was talking about my past, as if to explain why I was picking a fight. Kinda like cliche part of a manga (who the heck pause a fight to talk!!!). Then when we actually fight, it wasn't normal, but the pain was at normal body parts. At this point of my life, pain in dreams are already common. But this time, when I woke up to the call of subuh (thx mus), my left arm, the one last injured in the dream fight, was actually paralyzed for 5 minutes. It was not that it was holding my body weight (I checked immediately), or some kind of super power coming after a radioactive mosquito bite (still checking)(been checking since I discovered the wonders of television). I still don't know, even after typing it.
What I'm trying to say here, is that my last two dreams are feeling more realistic. It's actually scaring me. Who in their right mind wouldn't?(Einstein?).

Then again...

Still, without it, It would make me something like this...

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