Monday, February 14, 2011

Born perfect, Grown to Imperfection

I have heard somewhere, that everyone is born, they born be specific, like a white sheet of canvas, and parent are the painter (but the surrounding also likes to spray a bit)

Leo's "painting" (yes, he's a girl inside)

So going on with that theory, that means that according to religions and teaching and logical humane thinking, there are certain base colours that must be used to make a "good" painting. But even the best painters (parents) can still create a bad painting.

simple, but a "good" painting nonetheless
So a "bad" painting is when you/parent/surrounding added something not supposed to be added (credit for creativity?) or forgot to add something (who doesn't?).

Doesn't have anything to do with the current topic, but too cute to pass XD
So what I'm actually getting at (wasted half an four for the pics!) is that evil guy is not born evil, serial murderer is not born a serial murderer (but a Cereal murderer)(bad joke), and a gay guy/girl is not born a gay.

At one point of their lives they lost something or got something they're not supposed to.

That is why the most universal solution is to hold on to a religion, and have faith in its respective gods...
cuz they have created us perfect, and he can take us back closer to it...

On that note, i cant comment on evil and murderers, cuz, well, they can torture and kill me. So I'll comment on the gays.
I believe the fact that "opposites attract and equals repel" is a natural law. So it a guy likes another guy, that can only mean,based on the stated law, that they are opposites. If you think their gender is their "equals", then think that we all are equal cuz we're all in the same species (homospecies-al). Back to my first statement, maybe the guy lost something or got something that makes him opposite.
Thousands of examples can be given, but  the more obvious one would be "raised up like a girl".

Every parent wants their son to be a nice person, but if they consider sugar, spice, and everything nice is what makes "nice, then no wonder there's enough gays to make a whole community. The definition of nice lately have been derived from the formula "nice = girls", resulting in "boy = nice = girl". So I can understand why there a lot less "manly" men than the older days (before i was born).

and I'll leave it at that :)
its a point to ponder (if you actually think its worth to ponder)(which, like most of my posts, are not)

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