i went to picc for the wind orkestra final...
i saw many people..
thou i am happy to see them...
by the end of the day, it didnt feel good
people who avoid you...
people who like you but you dont...
people who wants you but u didnt give...
people who's sad but u cant do anyting 2 help...
and the pain of regretting the chances you had...
"say 'yes' when you want it deep inside"(Yes Man 2009)
or regret it forever
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
I just learned a new prase
i was watching FRIENDS...
n Rachel Said it...
"erotically charged"
which is college term for "horny"
I'm trying to finish watching all 10 season of FRIENDS..
hope I can make it before 23rd
currently in season 8...
n Rachel Said it...
"erotically charged"
which is college term for "horny"
I'm trying to finish watching all 10 season of FRIENDS..
hope I can make it before 23rd
currently in season 8...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Shopping in Jusco
Niat nk beli kasut sukan..
alang alang nk beli kasut jalan
slame ni aku x brsukan pon,
n nk gi jalan aku pakai kasut abg aku yg lawa tpi ketat n selepas 3 jam aku pakai msti rse sakit...
tnye la santa mane nk beli kasut..die kate kt al-ikhsan..or area jusco...
mase smpai jsco tgk la kedai al-ikhsan 2...yg belah ke jsco ttp, so pgi la yg oppesite die...mase nk lalu 2 kene lalu kt satu alley ni...lalu restoran mamak kt alley 2...tgk ade 3 org jaga jusco...diorng stare je aku...xtaula aku trlebeh pakai mekap ke, baju seksi ke, zip x ttp ke, tpi diorng stare aku la...agaknyer sume polis or jaga mase kem telah dibedah dan dipasang mate elektronik buatan yg bleh x-ray n analisis jenayah org pndang cm2 je...tpi aku dah ddk 5 thn kt skolah yg penuh dgn 'radioaktif' pelbagai jenis, so agaknyer badan aku ade gangguan x-ray die...diorng stare sbb x dpt analisis bdk ni yg muke pnuh mekap, baju seksi, n x ttp zip ni...akhirnyer dilepaskn je sbb dah asume bdk 2 nk pegi or balek dri date dgn balak die, n diorng x nk pk lebeh lgi sbb xnk hilang selere makan...
mase masuk jusco tros pgi kedai bata sbb x puas tgk kt al-ikhsan...kt bata aku tgk2 la kasut kt si2, berusehe cari yg murah...nmpk la kasut yg berkenan, try la pakai...x muat..minx akak 2 amik saiz laen...pakai yg 2, pas2 testingla...aku lompat la, tendang la, shuffle la...ade bdk sblah 2 dgn mak die tgk aku ps2 pstikn die 1 meter jauh dri aku mase jalan...mak die lak tgk aku, trsenyum..kalau bkn sbb kitorang dalam kedai, sure aku dah dapat rm1 sbgai derme...las2 aku beli 2 kasut, satu utk sukan, satu utk berjalan2 bersame society yg unik di seluruh dunie dan habitatnyer adalah di kawasan dgn high concentration or kedai, species yg gravity memberi efek berlebihan kepade mate diorg dan diorng terpakse pandang dan nilai kaki org mase shoping.....
sblm 2 beli tuale...sesape bdk batch yg searas dgn aku tau bahawe aku punye tuale adelah besar(mcm kaen pelikat tebal)...so aku xnk la bwk bnde 2 ke MSU...bayangkan kalau aku bwk...
lepas sume org dah brsiap kemas n pegi orientasi, sume org sidai tuale kt ampaian...mase balek orientasi, tgk ade bebudak kecoh, siap ade pnsharah, jaga, ustat pon ade...rupenyer ade budak pompuan kt hostel laki...ps2 mase bdk balek riadah, lalu ampaian, trus cpt2 gi bilik mandi sbb nk tgk pompuan trbogel dlm toilet laki sbb diorng dah amik towel die mase die mandi...xtau la penah ade kes pompuan dlm asrama laki... or kes seorang pompuan yg disebabkan barah payu dare, mate die jadi sngt rabun, kedue2 bebannye telah di'surgically removed',dan dalam mase 0.5 saat berjaye memandulkan berpuluh2 bdk lelaki lepas keluar bilik mandi mandi....
anyway aku beli tuale 30x60(x bsr) kaler peach, bkn sbb aku suke kale 2(kot) tpi sbb 2 je tuale yg ok saiz dan kain die kt si2(dan juge sbb ade promo,9.90 je!)...
pas2 aku gi nk beli boxer...sblm 2 aku tgk la arcade yg ade kt dlm jusco 2(yg sblh section baju2) ...nmpk la ade sorang laki ni maen game yg shoot basketball cpt2 2...aku tgk hebat gile die...ape yg menariknye, setiap kali die baling ade 95% chance bola die masuk, mcm hoop 2 ade magnet n bola 2 besi...hebat...dlm satu game die dpt 388 markh...tinggi gile kot....bile die nk bla, aku tgk die pakai baju kemeje ofis, siap ade suitcase lgi....bayangkan sbnrnyer sume org ade bakat tersmbunyi yg brlawann dengan profesyen or minat mereke....org ofis boleh shoot basketball 100% msk... seorang programer gemok nerd sbnrnyer seorang polis yg keje mcm cite Die Hard... seorang pekerje dining sbnrnye dulu bioweapon kerajaan malaysia yg boleh membunuh org dgn renungannyer dan kemudian menjadi inspirasi kpd cite x-men... seorang cikgu yg sbnrnyer seorang penyanyi terkenal yg sgt merdu suarenyer hingge bercakap sje boleh mnyebbkn org tidur... huuu...that would be fun...
anyway i bought 4 boxers(promo,2pc pack)...
ps2 jmpe yusuf jadid n rakan2nyer yg aku same ade x knal, or aku x nmpk, or diorang telah bwat pmbedahan plastik demi aku x knal diorang....
ps2 aku makan pizzahut sesorang n balek umah...
nice day...
saw many 'interesting' people...
bought stuff without using my money(da best part)...
n i am still alive to write about it...
alang alang nk beli kasut jalan
slame ni aku x brsukan pon,
n nk gi jalan aku pakai kasut abg aku yg lawa tpi ketat n selepas 3 jam aku pakai msti rse sakit...
tnye la santa mane nk beli kasut..die kate kt al-ikhsan..or area jusco...
mase smpai jsco tgk la kedai al-ikhsan 2...yg belah ke jsco ttp, so pgi la yg oppesite die...mase nk lalu 2 kene lalu kt satu alley ni...lalu restoran mamak kt alley 2...tgk ade 3 org jaga jusco...diorng stare je aku...xtaula aku trlebeh pakai mekap ke, baju seksi ke, zip x ttp ke, tpi diorng stare aku la...agaknyer sume polis or jaga mase kem telah dibedah dan dipasang mate elektronik buatan yg bleh x-ray n analisis jenayah org pndang cm2 je...tpi aku dah ddk 5 thn kt skolah yg penuh dgn 'radioaktif' pelbagai jenis, so agaknyer badan aku ade gangguan x-ray die...diorng stare sbb x dpt analisis bdk ni yg muke pnuh mekap, baju seksi, n x ttp zip ni...akhirnyer dilepaskn je sbb dah asume bdk 2 nk pegi or balek dri date dgn balak die, n diorng x nk pk lebeh lgi sbb xnk hilang selere makan...
mase masuk jusco tros pgi kedai bata sbb x puas tgk kt al-ikhsan...kt bata aku tgk2 la kasut kt si2, berusehe cari yg murah...nmpk la kasut yg berkenan, try la pakai...x muat..minx akak 2 amik saiz laen...pakai yg 2, pas2 testingla...aku lompat la, tendang la, shuffle la...ade bdk sblah 2 dgn mak die tgk aku ps2 pstikn die 1 meter jauh dri aku mase jalan...mak die lak tgk aku, trsenyum..kalau bkn sbb kitorang dalam kedai, sure aku dah dapat rm1 sbgai derme...las2 aku beli 2 kasut, satu utk sukan, satu utk berjalan2 bersame society yg unik di seluruh dunie dan habitatnyer adalah di kawasan dgn high concentration or kedai, species yg gravity memberi efek berlebihan kepade mate diorg dan diorng terpakse pandang dan nilai kaki org mase shoping.....
sblm 2 beli tuale...sesape bdk batch yg searas dgn aku tau bahawe aku punye tuale adelah besar(mcm kaen pelikat tebal)...so aku xnk la bwk bnde 2 ke MSU...bayangkan kalau aku bwk...
lepas sume org dah brsiap kemas n pegi orientasi, sume org sidai tuale kt ampaian...mase balek orientasi, tgk ade bebudak kecoh, siap ade pnsharah, jaga, ustat pon ade...rupenyer ade budak pompuan kt hostel laki...ps2 mase bdk balek riadah, lalu ampaian, trus cpt2 gi bilik mandi sbb nk tgk pompuan trbogel dlm toilet laki sbb diorng dah amik towel die mase die mandi...xtau la penah ade kes pompuan dlm asrama laki... or kes seorang pompuan yg disebabkan barah payu dare, mate die jadi sngt rabun, kedue2 bebannye telah di'surgically removed',dan dalam mase 0.5 saat berjaye memandulkan berpuluh2 bdk lelaki lepas keluar bilik mandi mandi....
anyway aku beli tuale 30x60(x bsr) kaler peach, bkn sbb aku suke kale 2(kot) tpi sbb 2 je tuale yg ok saiz dan kain die kt si2(dan juge sbb ade promo,9.90 je!)...
pas2 aku gi nk beli boxer...sblm 2 aku tgk la arcade yg ade kt dlm jusco 2(yg sblh section baju2) ...nmpk la ade sorang laki ni maen game yg shoot basketball cpt2 2...aku tgk hebat gile die...ape yg menariknye, setiap kali die baling ade 95% chance bola die masuk, mcm hoop 2 ade magnet n bola 2 besi...hebat...dlm satu game die dpt 388 markh...tinggi gile kot....bile die nk bla, aku tgk die pakai baju kemeje ofis, siap ade suitcase lgi....bayangkan sbnrnyer sume org ade bakat tersmbunyi yg brlawann dengan profesyen or minat mereke....org ofis boleh shoot basketball 100% msk... seorang programer gemok nerd sbnrnyer seorang polis yg keje mcm cite Die Hard... seorang pekerje dining sbnrnye dulu bioweapon kerajaan malaysia yg boleh membunuh org dgn renungannyer dan kemudian menjadi inspirasi kpd cite x-men... seorang cikgu yg sbnrnyer seorang penyanyi terkenal yg sgt merdu suarenyer hingge bercakap sje boleh mnyebbkn org tidur... huuu...that would be fun...
anyway i bought 4 boxers(promo,2pc pack)...
ps2 jmpe yusuf jadid n rakan2nyer yg aku same ade x knal, or aku x nmpk, or diorang telah bwat pmbedahan plastik demi aku x knal diorang....
ps2 aku makan pizzahut sesorang n balek umah...
nice day...
saw many 'interesting' people...
bought stuff without using my money(da best part)...
n i am still alive to write about it...
I have a problem
I am supposed to wat medical checkup for nk msk MSU...
Then jiran aku pulak kate alang2 aku nk pegi, bwk la ank die skali...
Anak die ni pompuan...
Bkn nk kate die hodoh ke, die lawa(i think so)
Cume, disebabkan seluruh puberty aku dihabiskan di sekolah laki,
dan kali prtame aku jmpe pompuan sejak puberty is in form4
itupon utk kem...
So i have dis huge shyness with girls...
I think that everytime girls se a guy near them, they will think:
"ape jeling2?!", or
"hot nyer aku...",or
"laki ni nak ngorat aku ke x?!"
Its like every men must act 'balak'ish with every women...
Even worst, medical checkup 2 dah la kene tnggu pnjang...
Orang biase akn rase untung gile...
Leh dok dgn pompuan lawa, anak jiran, stil single, n kenalan kekecik...
But i dont...
Aku xnak.....
Xkn nk ckp kt die aku xnk gi ngan die sbb sgan kot?
Nnti die pk aku ni ske die or someting,
n parents die pk betape cilakak nyer anak misri 2....
*i hate things that is pushed on to me..
**but i like things that is offered(hav choice to accept or reject)
Then jiran aku pulak kate alang2 aku nk pegi, bwk la ank die skali...
Anak die ni pompuan...
Bkn nk kate die hodoh ke, die lawa(i think so)
Cume, disebabkan seluruh puberty aku dihabiskan di sekolah laki,
dan kali prtame aku jmpe pompuan sejak puberty is in form4
itupon utk kem...
So i have dis huge shyness with girls...
I think that everytime girls se a guy near them, they will think:
"ape jeling2?!", or
"hot nyer aku...",or
"laki ni nak ngorat aku ke x?!"
Its like every men must act 'balak'ish with every women...
Even worst, medical checkup 2 dah la kene tnggu pnjang...
Orang biase akn rase untung gile...
Leh dok dgn pompuan lawa, anak jiran, stil single, n kenalan kekecik...
But i dont...
Aku xnak.....
Xkn nk ckp kt die aku xnk gi ngan die sbb sgan kot?
Nnti die pk aku ni ske die or someting,
n parents die pk betape cilakak nyer anak misri 2....
*i hate things that is pushed on to me..
**but i like things that is offered(hav choice to accept or reject)
i went to da pasar malam dis evening...met 2 people i know(greetings 2 my favourite teacher naguib)...but not da point...
as i arived, i say 2 people getting into a fight...in between the was a woman...this would seem normal if the woman is not 3 times their age and their both not holding vegetables like gernades...one of da guy was indian(asumed)...
there they were, trying to pick a fight wif one another, dgn 'wanita' 2 sbgai front row spectator...mcm gadoh psl spot gerai...aku tgk, kalaula bkn sbb sorg laki 2 kulitnyer polaroid, mcm diorng under satu cwangan 'nenek n sons'...mase diorng tngkr2 2, aku xtau la nenek 2 bekas hakim ke, or princes diana yg sbnrnyer maseh hidup dan telah menyorok kt malaysia...die sokong yg india 2...mungkin sbb diskriminasi dri kanankiri spot 2 gerai org mlayu n org laen dah jadik penonton setia program anak wayang tersebut, or sbb tindakan mereka telah melanggar undang2 dibwh seksyen ***, akta 19**, dibwh kanun kehidupan pasar malam; first come first serve......bile aku pusing balek, tgk, india 2 dah xde n laki n nenek die jual la kt kedai sayur 'nenek n not-indian-son'...so when perlembagaan kate ketuann org melayu, they mean real business...
mase on da way balek ke umah dri kl ari2, subjek psl ckgu cine timbul...my mom, seorng ckgu, give her say...die kate kt skolah die ade due ckgu cine...sorang sngat soft spoken, tpi juge sngt rajin(xtau nape, aku bygkn sekor beruang panda yg dah kene cukur bulunyer, pakai kemeje n angkt buku yg dibuat dri buluh).....lgi sorang sorang yg 'x gune'...serius mak aku ckp 'x'gune'...setiap ayat die tntang cikgu 2 msti ade frasa 2 atleast once....aku bygkn sorang uncle tauke kedai asam, duduk menyandar kt krusi malas, mate nyer dot je sbb asyik stare jarum saat dri pkul 7pagi smpai pkul 5ptg...40 orang plajar tenung je die , bkn utk memanti ilmu2nyer, bkn sbb die pakai singlet je, tpi sbb nk pastikan yg cikgu diorang masih hidup....
then my mother continue about the indian teacher...there was one teacher who everyone hates, even the pekebun...kan kite tgk anime or manga, kekadang ade watak yg mcm ade prkataan yg digunekn dlm setiap ayat...sume cite 2 di ilhamkn dri ckgu ni...
"A very gud morning i bid 2 you stupid boy"
"Turn to page 23 stupid"
"May I have a stupid fried rice...stupid"
"I think u look very great...but stupid"
"What is the stupid meaning of the stupid letter stupid in your stupid dictionaries...stupid"
I would imagine that one day she realized she was rude n stopped, only to explode into a million pieces because of her body's reaction to lack of stupidity...
After a few stupid long years in smk snawang, this indian teacher was transferd to a chinese school...strangely, everyone thinks dat kalau skolah cine, plajarnye suke sume cikgu...so sume org terkejut bile sume student skul 2 x ske die...
i dont see why diorng pelik n trkejut...i mean, kalau bagi org klantan gegule, mesti die suke..or org asia x ske caviar(telur salmon), tpi org western suke...lnsung xde kaitan, tpi ilmu.....kalau org melayu x suke org mencarut, adekah bermaksud orang india or chine suke? Nmpk sngt racist nye....
moral of da story;
kalau nk berniage pasar malam kene dtg awal2...
princess diana mungkin ade kt malaysia...
kalau ade ckgu yg x brgerak dri pagi sampai ptg, jgn risau, die maseh hidup...
sesame race we shouldnt be a sissy n instead drink some tea sbb teh sedap
as i arived, i say 2 people getting into a fight...in between the was a woman...this would seem normal if the woman is not 3 times their age and their both not holding vegetables like gernades...one of da guy was indian(asumed)...
there they were, trying to pick a fight wif one another, dgn 'wanita' 2 sbgai front row spectator...mcm gadoh psl spot gerai...aku tgk, kalaula bkn sbb sorg laki 2 kulitnyer polaroid, mcm diorng under satu cwangan 'nenek n sons'...mase diorng tngkr2 2, aku xtau la nenek 2 bekas hakim ke, or princes diana yg sbnrnyer maseh hidup dan telah menyorok kt malaysia...die sokong yg india 2...mungkin sbb diskriminasi dri kanankiri spot 2 gerai org mlayu n org laen dah jadik penonton setia program anak wayang tersebut, or sbb tindakan mereka telah melanggar undang2 dibwh seksyen ***, akta 19**, dibwh kanun kehidupan pasar malam; first come first serve......bile aku pusing balek, tgk, india 2 dah xde n laki n nenek die jual la kt kedai sayur 'nenek n not-indian-son'...so when perlembagaan kate ketuann org melayu, they mean real business...
mase on da way balek ke umah dri kl ari2, subjek psl ckgu cine timbul...my mom, seorng ckgu, give her say...die kate kt skolah die ade due ckgu cine...sorang sngat soft spoken, tpi juge sngt rajin(xtau nape, aku bygkn sekor beruang panda yg dah kene cukur bulunyer, pakai kemeje n angkt buku yg dibuat dri buluh).....lgi sorang sorang yg 'x gune'...serius mak aku ckp 'x'gune'...setiap ayat die tntang cikgu 2 msti ade frasa 2 atleast once....aku bygkn sorang uncle tauke kedai asam, duduk menyandar kt krusi malas, mate nyer dot je sbb asyik stare jarum saat dri pkul 7pagi smpai pkul 5ptg...40 orang plajar tenung je die , bkn utk memanti ilmu2nyer, bkn sbb die pakai singlet je, tpi sbb nk pastikan yg cikgu diorang masih hidup....
then my mother continue about the indian teacher...there was one teacher who everyone hates, even the pekebun...kan kite tgk anime or manga, kekadang ade watak yg mcm ade prkataan yg digunekn dlm setiap ayat...sume cite 2 di ilhamkn dri ckgu ni...
"A very gud morning i bid 2 you stupid boy"
"Turn to page 23 stupid"
"May I have a stupid fried rice...stupid"
"I think u look very great...but stupid"
"What is the stupid meaning of the stupid letter stupid in your stupid dictionaries...stupid"
I would imagine that one day she realized she was rude n stopped, only to explode into a million pieces because of her body's reaction to lack of stupidity...
After a few stupid long years in smk snawang, this indian teacher was transferd to a chinese school...strangely, everyone thinks dat kalau skolah cine, plajarnye suke sume cikgu...so sume org terkejut bile sume student skul 2 x ske die...
i dont see why diorng pelik n trkejut...i mean, kalau bagi org klantan gegule, mesti die suke..or org asia x ske caviar(telur salmon), tpi org western suke...lnsung xde kaitan, tpi ilmu.....kalau org melayu x suke org mencarut, adekah bermaksud orang india or chine suke? Nmpk sngt racist nye....
moral of da story;
kalau nk berniage pasar malam kene dtg awal2...
princess diana mungkin ade kt malaysia...
kalau ade ckgu yg x brgerak dri pagi sampai ptg, jgn risau, die maseh hidup...
sesame race we shouldnt be a sissy n instead drink some tea sbb teh sedap
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Things that I bought at klcc
These are the stuf that i bought
the doll is just too cute...i bought it from a shop named ROOM...shes 1 of 9 of MOMJI doll, which apparently each represent another aspect...mine represent luck...each nof the doll has a piece of paper in it which u write to whom you want to give, say 'luck', to...
other MOMJI dolls include 'best friend', 'love', 'happy', and 5 more....
cost me 35+...but il like it, so it doesnt matter...
*moral: when going shopping, buy things that you really like...
quality is better than quantity...
Have you ever hoped for something to happen.
You hope so hard, that its the only thing that fills your mind...
But then you realize that it was a false hope..
It was just something that cant happen...
But then,
After some time,
you caught a glimpse of that hope again,
and you begged for it to be true,
but this one also crushes you...
But in your heart,
hope will never disappear,
as long as you are alive,
you will MAKE that hope true,
with whatever the cost...
*this is a rant
You hope so hard, that its the only thing that fills your mind...
But then you realize that it was a false hope..
It was just something that cant happen...
But then,
After some time,
you caught a glimpse of that hope again,
and you begged for it to be true,
but this one also crushes you...
But in your heart,
hope will never disappear,
as long as you are alive,
you will MAKE that hope true,
with whatever the cost...
*this is a rant
Supposedly first post
Dis is supposed to be da first post
I cant believe I actually made myself a blog.
Where I'm going, i dont even know if I can access the internet...
what's done is done..
lets just wish for the best, shall we...
Gambate me!
I cant believe I actually made myself a blog.
Where I'm going, i dont even know if I can access the internet...
what's done is done..
lets just wish for the best, shall we...
Gambate me!
Journey to da center of KL
It starts when mara forgot to give me my med checkup form
My mom decided dat we should just go get it from mara since it havent arive 3 days after they say thier sending pos laju. Alang2, leh anta surat trime skali...
Aku pk alang2 dtg kl, pegi la lawat klcc 2. Bpk aku nk pgi batu caves nk bli buku kt si2. So i sugest la nk gi sesorang.
Cuak gile kot, tpi bwat bran la(kang x kasi lak). Bpk aku orait membiarkn anaknyer yg 6 bln x kuar umah, pegi ke bandar kl yg berhutan kongkrit dan bersarang gejale2 sensual itu sesorang je. So jalan la aku ke tah mane tah...sebaek nmpk monorail. Smpai kt monorail aku brharap pade santa yg mcm resurected kl boy utk bantu aku gi klcc...
Kuar stesen monorail...tgk mcm x femiliar je... Koridor yg pttnyer tros gi kl central 2 tetibe jdi construction site. Aku tergagam sebentar tanpe tau nk watpe... Then nmpk la ade skumpulan budak yg prangai x brtamadun ikut laluan laen. Nmpk gaye cm fly skul nk jln2, so aku ikut la diorng. Dah nmpk kl central bru lege. Tpi aku mseh ikt bebudk 2...bkn sbb ade yg menarik, tpi aku rase mcm prwatakn diorng mcm ade bdk skola yg aku kenal... n da fact yg diorng jalan melintang laluan 2...Sebaek ade pakcik 2 mcm dkt2 blakang diorng... Agaknyer trase trancam ngan pakcik 2, diorg pon jln la leklok...
Sampai kt kl central, aku carila signbord ke LRT. Agak aku dah wat 4x400 kt kl cental 2 pon aku msih x jmpe... kalaula kt sdar nk cri klas/lab cmni, dah lame dah aku menang mrentas dese... Sampai satu point, aku ikut jela sesape yg mcm bz2 nk gi shopping... ade brader ni aku ikut smpai aku kluar blk ke tmpt bas... ade akak ni aku ikut die tgk sinetron kt tv free yg bajet brkualiti kt si2... ade uncle ni plak aku ikut smpai jmpe sekelompok org yg mcm tunggu flight nk gi haji... last2, lepas dah puas tgk awek(dan balaknyer) dlm sinetron 2 bru la aku jmpe LRT nyer stesyen...
mase kt klcc, aku mule la bwat tawaf 1 bangunn 2... pandang kanan kiri mcm org sakit tengkok loggar sngt... aku xtau pon nk beli ape, so aku wat la mcm tourist bru smpai malaysia... tgk sume kedai kt si2, sebut name setiap kedai mcm sume 2 dlm bahase zaman mesopotamia yg bunyi mcm baby bru brckp...pandang sane, uuuu... pandang sane, aaaa... org sblh jln lelaju, tkt kene pnyakit yg xde ubatnyer. Kekadang aku brenti kt dpn kedai yg nmpk eksotik brlebihan.. pnjage kedai stare je aku, brharap aku jdi customer pertame dlm bbrape jam mnunggu...tpi aku bla cm2 je menigglkn mereke hampe...kekadang aku sje je tgk2 belek2 barang cm nk beli, ps2 trus kluar cm2 je...huhuhu...nilah kerje org yg pgi shopping kt klcc tnpe duet shopping.
Ade satu kedai ni menarik gile... aku x bce name die sbb aku cume nmpk ade brang dlm 2 yg trang2 dgn liplap nyer tuli 'room', tpi itu item je, bkn name... Kedai 2 jual bnde2 yg korang hanye nmpk dlm movie... jam transparen yg nmpk segale gear melambk dlmnyer, kad poker pelbagai saiz, telefon mcm dlm cite sherlock holmes, mug yg nmpk cm ade air/ais, mug beer yg ade loceng(?), pnumbuk di hujung kayu, chess kace(x-men), mesin shuffle kad, jam yg nombor die flip2....memacam lah.. aku tgk je dah stengah jm...aku tkt kalau aku kluar nnti kedai 2 akn hilang utk pulang smule ke planggn2 sbnrnyer di tahun 70-an...
smentare nk tnggu magrib, aku jln2 ikt course jogging die... ps2 ntah knape boxer aku rse mcm trketat...aku cpt2 nk cari toilet nk btolkn...jln pon tah btol ke x..org yg jogging aku prasan tgk je aku, mcm tgh bygkn same ade aku ni ptt dikasihan sbb jln pelik, or dikeji sbb telah di ****...
then aku nmpk la kl convention centr... tpi cm laen entrance die...ramai org yg nmpk mcm tgh rombongan skolah budak darjah 18(form 12)...ps2 adela sorng cameramen utk rombongan 2..tpi asyik tngkp gmba org yg same, sorng bdk pompuan yg nmpk cm peserta miss malaysia yg sesat jalan, ps2 beriaksi spontan bile nmpk kemera(glamor la katekn)...ahli2 rombongan laen dok pnggil kamereman 2; bang..abang...abaanng. Bile diulang2 aku mcm dgr ade prkataan trselit; abg..bang***...
Melepasi bdk rombongan 2... lgi 1 bnde aneh...ade bbrape org laki yg ade earfon kt tling, nmpk cm 'secret service' kt US...kt pin2 lak, ade bbrape org polis,suroh aku lalu metal detector n xray beg plastik aku...aku dah cuak dah...1 sbb rase mcm aku ni terorist, 1 lgi sbb aku tkt polis 2 nmpk doll pompuan yg aku blibile aku dah lepasi check 2, polis 2 mcm trsengeh2 tgk aku... aku cpt2 pegi toilet, btolkn boxer aku, n kluar ikt exit yg 300 meter dri polis2 tdi...
atas nasiht santa, aku balek lps magrib...bli rootbeer jap, ps2 jln gi LRT...beli tiket gune mesin yg lnsung x mengerti maksud mudah...mase nk dtg aku mskkn rm5 utk tiket 1.60, die bgi baki sume syiling..ok lgi...mase nk balek ni aku bgi la rm2, baki die kasi sume 10sen...siot nyer mesin...sebaek aku dah kuar sdar,,klau x aku dok je si2 brjm2 mskkn sume duit rm5 keats utk dptkn syiling2 50sen yg menntukn takdir bajuku...
slepas 1 hari yg mmntkn, naek LRT, then naek KTM, dan bwat mcm glamor miss malysia sesat tdi sbb rse mcm sume org pndang...bile dah ddk n org kurang bru la bleh buang posing n bce buku smbil dgr lagu n minum rootbeer....kul 10++ bru smpai srmbn...parents amek...n mule bwang mase tulis blog ni...
syok gak jln2 kl...bndar 2 sibuk, tpi klau tgk totol, indah gak... byk bnde yg menarik; bangunn, kedai, barang2, org2 kiut....
maka byklah pengalaman yg sye timbe hari ni...
hopefully next time ade org sudi tmn ek...
My mom decided dat we should just go get it from mara since it havent arive 3 days after they say thier sending pos laju. Alang2, leh anta surat trime skali...
Aku pk alang2 dtg kl, pegi la lawat klcc 2. Bpk aku nk pgi batu caves nk bli buku kt si2. So i sugest la nk gi sesorang.
Cuak gile kot, tpi bwat bran la(kang x kasi lak). Bpk aku orait membiarkn anaknyer yg 6 bln x kuar umah, pegi ke bandar kl yg berhutan kongkrit dan bersarang gejale2 sensual itu sesorang je. So jalan la aku ke tah mane tah...sebaek nmpk monorail. Smpai kt monorail aku brharap pade santa yg mcm resurected kl boy utk bantu aku gi klcc...
Kuar stesen monorail...tgk mcm x femiliar je... Koridor yg pttnyer tros gi kl central 2 tetibe jdi construction site. Aku tergagam sebentar tanpe tau nk watpe... Then nmpk la ade skumpulan budak yg prangai x brtamadun ikut laluan laen. Nmpk gaye cm fly skul nk jln2, so aku ikut la diorng. Dah nmpk kl central bru lege. Tpi aku mseh ikt bebudk 2...bkn sbb ade yg menarik, tpi aku rase mcm prwatakn diorng mcm ade bdk skola yg aku kenal... n da fact yg diorng jalan melintang laluan 2...Sebaek ade pakcik 2 mcm dkt2 blakang diorng... Agaknyer trase trancam ngan pakcik 2, diorg pon jln la leklok...
Sampai kt kl central, aku carila signbord ke LRT. Agak aku dah wat 4x400 kt kl cental 2 pon aku msih x jmpe... kalaula kt sdar nk cri klas/lab cmni, dah lame dah aku menang mrentas dese... Sampai satu point, aku ikut jela sesape yg mcm bz2 nk gi shopping... ade brader ni aku ikut smpai aku kluar blk ke tmpt bas... ade akak ni aku ikut die tgk sinetron kt tv free yg bajet brkualiti kt si2... ade uncle ni plak aku ikut smpai jmpe sekelompok org yg mcm tunggu flight nk gi haji... last2, lepas dah puas tgk awek(dan balaknyer) dlm sinetron 2 bru la aku jmpe LRT nyer stesyen...
mase kt klcc, aku mule la bwat tawaf 1 bangunn 2... pandang kanan kiri mcm org sakit tengkok loggar sngt... aku xtau pon nk beli ape, so aku wat la mcm tourist bru smpai malaysia... tgk sume kedai kt si2, sebut name setiap kedai mcm sume 2 dlm bahase zaman mesopotamia yg bunyi mcm baby bru brckp...pandang sane, uuuu... pandang sane, aaaa... org sblh jln lelaju, tkt kene pnyakit yg xde ubatnyer. Kekadang aku brenti kt dpn kedai yg nmpk eksotik brlebihan.. pnjage kedai stare je aku, brharap aku jdi customer pertame dlm bbrape jam mnunggu...tpi aku bla cm2 je menigglkn mereke hampe...kekadang aku sje je tgk2 belek2 barang cm nk beli, ps2 trus kluar cm2 je...huhuhu...nilah kerje org yg pgi shopping kt klcc tnpe duet shopping.
Ade satu kedai ni menarik gile... aku x bce name die sbb aku cume nmpk ade brang dlm 2 yg trang2 dgn liplap nyer tuli 'room', tpi itu item je, bkn name... Kedai 2 jual bnde2 yg korang hanye nmpk dlm movie... jam transparen yg nmpk segale gear melambk dlmnyer, kad poker pelbagai saiz, telefon mcm dlm cite sherlock holmes, mug yg nmpk cm ade air/ais, mug beer yg ade loceng(?), pnumbuk di hujung kayu, chess kace(x-men), mesin shuffle kad, jam yg nombor die flip2....memacam lah.. aku tgk je dah stengah jm...aku tkt kalau aku kluar nnti kedai 2 akn hilang utk pulang smule ke planggn2 sbnrnyer di tahun 70-an...
smentare nk tnggu magrib, aku jln2 ikt course jogging die... ps2 ntah knape boxer aku rse mcm trketat...aku cpt2 nk cari toilet nk btolkn...jln pon tah btol ke x..org yg jogging aku prasan tgk je aku, mcm tgh bygkn same ade aku ni ptt dikasihan sbb jln pelik, or dikeji sbb telah di ****...
then aku nmpk la kl convention centr... tpi cm laen entrance die...ramai org yg nmpk mcm tgh rombongan skolah budak darjah 18(form 12)...ps2 adela sorng cameramen utk rombongan 2..tpi asyik tngkp gmba org yg same, sorng bdk pompuan yg nmpk cm peserta miss malaysia yg sesat jalan, ps2 beriaksi spontan bile nmpk kemera(glamor la katekn)...ahli2 rombongan laen dok pnggil kamereman 2; bang..abang...abaanng. Bile diulang2 aku mcm dgr ade prkataan trselit; abg..bang***...
Melepasi bdk rombongan 2... lgi 1 bnde aneh...ade bbrape org laki yg ade earfon kt tling, nmpk cm 'secret service' kt US...kt pin2 lak, ade bbrape org polis,suroh aku lalu metal detector n xray beg plastik aku...aku dah cuak dah...1 sbb rase mcm aku ni terorist, 1 lgi sbb aku tkt polis 2 nmpk doll pompuan yg aku blibile aku dah lepasi check 2, polis 2 mcm trsengeh2 tgk aku... aku cpt2 pegi toilet, btolkn boxer aku, n kluar ikt exit yg 300 meter dri polis2 tdi...
atas nasiht santa, aku balek lps magrib...bli rootbeer jap, ps2 jln gi LRT...beli tiket gune mesin yg lnsung x mengerti maksud mudah...mase nk dtg aku mskkn rm5 utk tiket 1.60, die bgi baki sume syiling..ok lgi...mase nk balek ni aku bgi la rm2, baki die kasi sume 10sen...siot nyer mesin...sebaek aku dah kuar sdar,,klau x aku dok je si2 brjm2 mskkn sume duit rm5 keats utk dptkn syiling2 50sen yg menntukn takdir bajuku...
slepas 1 hari yg mmntkn, naek LRT, then naek KTM, dan bwat mcm glamor miss malysia sesat tdi sbb rse mcm sume org pndang...bile dah ddk n org kurang bru la bleh buang posing n bce buku smbil dgr lagu n minum rootbeer....kul 10++ bru smpai srmbn...parents amek...n mule bwang mase tulis blog ni...
syok gak jln2 kl...bndar 2 sibuk, tpi klau tgk totol, indah gak... byk bnde yg menarik; bangunn, kedai, barang2, org2 kiut....
maka byklah pengalaman yg sye timbe hari ni...
hopefully next time ade org sudi tmn ek...
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