I went to the big mosque, initially not to pray sadly, but to do a favor for my mother. She wanted me to pay something she didn’t (SHE SHALL PAY DEARLY!), in addition of buying a new item of identical shape and quality (a veil). The total cost was RM60. I don’t really mind the price since I will get it back, but what I do mind is where I got the money from. Apparently, I borrowed it. This can be explained clearly in 5 words written using caps lock: I LOST MY ATM CARD!!!!
I made my way back after I prayed Asar in the really big tourism mosque (my first non-Friday jemaah). As I made my way back, unpleasant exaggeration of a riot is brewing at home. The opposition party claimed trial on the fact that it is not their turn to cook. They suggest a petition that ∀Sunday, the cooking turn, and also my turn to cook the day before (my mom brought them), both are not valid. I as the self proclaimed government reject the suggestion by stating that even though my mother brought most of it, but I was still the one who cooked the rice and made the table and drinks. It clearly states in the treaty of cooking turns, that one ones turn to cook, one is obliged to prepare food in any way, where outside food is allowed. But for some no good reason, I backed down (one of my many horrible habits) and volunteered to cook for the day. The matter was settled in ceasefire (or so I thought) and I pondered the wonders that is myself as chef (just mix everything in, as long as you don’t die, its good).
But then I got another call from someone unexpected and he diplomatically persuaded (semi-scolded) me that I should not back down, and he will settle it. I was so touched by the gesture (even if a bit harsh). It’s very very very rare that someone stood up for me so seriously. I’m a too kind of a person who gives in to pleas and begs and even threats if it means someone will be happy (that’s so noble of me!). I was seriously touched to the point that I would have fell right on the pedestrian sidewalk and cried tears of passion and joy. But I didn’t (for SERIOUSLY OBVIOUS REASONS!!!)(but it did cross my mind). The point is, (preparing exclamation marks…)
And in other news…
I’m currently addicted to SUPER JUNIOR, a boy band of Korea. The members are real cute and pure looking (like any other Korean artists) and their songs really caught me. I’ve been hearing them half-day, everyday for three weeks now. My favorite is a song called IT’S YOU. In an attempt to appreatiate its AWSOMENESS and really COOL yet TOUCHING lyrics, I will attempt to post my first video here.
Here goes =>